Blerg. It Is Going to Take Time.

For those of you who do not know me personally, it is important for you to know that I am not known for my patience. Or rather, not known for the patience I direct towards myself. I am usually very patient with other people. 

But, when it comes to me, I have no interest in letting things sit. When I feel unsettled in some area of my life I quickly figure out a potential solution and act on it. This happens in both small and big ways: 

Small: I was curious about The Class a month or so ago so I immediately signed up for the free trial. My review? It would have been nice to not get sick right after starting the trial because I ended up only doing one workout “for free”, but now I’m about two weeks into regular use of the on-demand videos and really loving it! 

Big: I’ve lived in 12 different places since 2009. Every time I moved there was a good reason (landlord refused to fix the algae filled water in the taps; roommate was moving out of state and I wanted a one bedroom for just myself; the first place in L.A. felt too small to be working from home in…) AND every time I moved I didn’t sit on the decision for long. I knew in my gut I wanted the change and I made it happen. 

This has generally served me well over the years. I’ve built a life I love and am surrounded by people I love. It can also be an incredibly annoying trait to live with because - spoiler alert - plenty of things in life can’t be changed immediately. As a result, I tend to feel a lot of frustration when I’m working on something that, by its very nature, needs to take time. 

It is a bit ironic -- basically everything to do with money management and goal achievement takes time. And, what do I choose to spend every day working on? Helping folks with their money. 🤦‍♀️ 

I think my work acts a bit like exposure therapy for me. I know I need to slow down in order to appreciate the present and make thoughtful decisions. Therefore I have chosen to work in a field where I help others slow down (or sometimes speed up). I feel immense patience and grace for my clients. Making changes in your financial life is extraordinarily difficult and my role is to act as a kind, thoughtful, deeply knowledgeable partner in the process. I find that hat easy to put on and practicing it with others helps me remember that I need to practice it with myself as well. Basically, through the work I have a chance to better reflect and regulate my own actions. 

If you’ve been feeling frustrated that you haven’t been able to change your money habits overnight or fix your processes to better suit your needs within the week, don’t fret. You are SO not alone. No one can “fix” their habits at the drop of a hat. 

Instead of beating yourself up, I encourage you to ask yourself the following question: 

Am I not reaching my goals because I need more time to work on them and should therefore try to be more patient with myself OR am I not reaching my goals because I need outside support (knowledge, accountability, emotional support, etc.)? 

If your answer is the latter, reply to this email or set up a free consultation call with me! I may be able to quickly point you in the right direction for some helpful resources or refer you to a service that would help. Or maybe I can help through individual coaching or the Verdi Money Club. Who knows? No one…until you ask :) 

As always, I’m rooting for you. 


Caroline Snyder