My Brain Fell Out

As some of you may have noticed, this newsletter didn’t go out at the normal time last week. That’s because my brain seems to have fallen out sometime over the past couple of weeks and I’m only just now putting it back where it belongs. Maybe you know the feeling?

I’ve known for a month or two now that how I’m handling work and my business isn’t quite working for me anymore. I decided ages ago -- before I was pregnant actually, that I wanted to work part-time while my kids are young. I planned for it -- I saved up for maternity leave, my husband and I worked together to make a plan for how to budget for the family on one and a half incomes, and I thought I had it all figured out. 


Turns out when you’ve been used to building a business for years, scaling back to part-time is not as easy as it seems. I said yes to things I shouldn’t have because I am so used to always saying yes. I let myself muddy my boundaries and ended up trying to work at times of day that I had promised myself I would reserve for me and for my family. 

It felt terrible. 

I still haven’t quite figured out how to manage part-time and I’ll be working on that balance over the next few months (slash, maybe the rest of my career?), but I have figured out a few things that are really helping get my brain back in place:

  1. I postponed the Verdi Business Money Club. This decision was incredibly hard. I’ve been working on the curriculum for well over a year and a half and I am SO EXCITED for the club to start. But, when being honest with myself, it became clear that I don’t actually have the capacity to lead a group right now.

  2. Marguerite is taking on new 1:1 clients (yay!) and I will be supporting her with that work, but I will not take on anyone new for a little bit. This means I can dedicate the time to focus on the wonderful clients I have and on making sure that Marguerite has all the support she needs. 

  3. I am scheduling time in my calendar for deep thinking and reflection. I need this time and space to be able to figure out what makes the most sense for me, my family, and this incredible business that I’m so passionate about.

Transitions are hard and are often so much more complicated than they originally seem. I’d love to hear your insights! Have you gone through a similar transition? A totally different one, but one where you similarly felt like your brain was falling out? If you have any advice, thoughts, questions, or comments, I’d love to hear from you. 


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Caroline Snyder