Planning the FEELING of 2023

Hi All,

In my last newsletter I wrote that I’m not much of a resolutions person, and I’m not, but I have been thinking a lot about how I want this year to feel and what I want to spend my time on. The last few years have been a whirlwind and, to be honest, often incredibly hard. My husband and I moved across the country, had two kids, underwent professional transitions, and have experienced deep personal loss. Throw in the pandemic and a global changing economic landscape and I’m pretty exhausted just thinking about it! I know 2023 won’t be easy and I’m sure there will be many challenges that I don’t foresee yet, but I do feel ready to plan for a less tumultuous time. Maybe by planning for some calm I’ll be more able to find the calm in the midst of the inevitable storms? That’s what I’m telling myself anyway. 

So, as a business owner, here’s what I’m hoping and planning for in 2023: 

  1. Marketing that feels energizing, not draining

  2. Client work that enables me to work on a variety of projects and with a variety of people without becoming overwhelming

What this actually means: 

  • Taking regular stock of my marketing actions to make sure that they FEEL good

  • Analyze marketing efforts to make sure they are contributing to the bottom line

  • Maintaining a solid mixture of coaching and consulting clients

  • Pausing and reviewing before saying yes to new opportunities 

  • Staying aware of my progress to revenue goals, but not obsessing over them

I’m curious - does any of this resonate with you? Are you planning for 2023 in a similar way? 


Caroline Snyder