The Power of a Break

I have historically not been great at taking breaks from work, but I’m proud to say that I’m getting better at it. Taking maternity leave last year was a game changer because it showed me that everything truly would be fine even without me working all the time. Since then I’ve stopped working on the weekends. Yes, there have been one or two instances where I’ve hosted a weekend workshop, but other than that I haven’t worked. I haven’t even checked emails! 

And you know what? Not only does it feel incredible to have weekends again (I’m not actually sure I’ve ever had them outside of childhood), but I’m more productive during my work hours. Having set work times that cannot bleed into the rest of the day or the rest of the week means that I know that I have to get done what I need to in that limited time. I use the time wisely and I am more ruthless about my priorities. 

I think the same lessons can apply to our money life as well. If you know exactly what your priorities are and you are clear about the timeframes that you have to reach those goals then it is easier to actually follow through. The things that tend to hold us back are: 1) figuring out our priorities in a clear way; and 2) determining the best path for reaching our goals. If you’ve been struggling with either of those action items, reach out! That’s what Verdi Advising is all about. Marguerite is a pro at helping people figure out what they truly want and then determining the best way to get there AND she has a couple coaching spots open for August!  


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Caroline Snyder