Posts tagged Grocery
Let’s Talk about Palm Readers

I am not a big fan of grocery shopping. Probably because I’m not a big fan of cooking. The exceptions to this rule are Trader Joe’s (snacks for dayyysss) and Whole Foods (they’ve really figured out how to make me feel seen -- maybe it is the olives?).

For most of my adult life I avoided Whole Foods since it has a tendency to eat money quickly, but one of my kids has a lot of food allergies and we’ve found that there are some things that he really loves that we can only find there. So, I’ve started being a somewhat regular Whole Foods shopper. 

As a complete side note, one of my most clear memories from high school is telling my dear friend Brendan that I wanted to do something really good for the world (i.e. work a “noble”, but poorly paid job), but still be able to buy cut fruit from Whole Foods whenever I wanted it. For some reason that, and probably expensive jeans, seemed like the end all be all in high society living for 16 year old me. 

That all is a long preamble to tell you about a recent trip to Whole Foods where, as I was checking out, the attendant subtly pushed their new “palm reader” to pay. I immediately laughed awkwardly saying that it completely freaked me out and that I’ll skip for now (thank you very much!). 

The attendant acted surprised that I was freaked out. It made me wonder if my reaction was unusual. I mean, it feels like a pretty sci-fi device -- wouldn’t the other uptown moms (i.e. the majority shopping population at my local store) also be kind of freaked out by this shift in payment structures? Or am I just a dinosaur?

I haven’t done enough research into palm readers yet to know if I’m truly for or against them (Amazon claims that they are more secure than traditional methods), but I will and when I come to some sort of conclusion I’ll absolutely share with you. In the meantime, I’d love to know your reactions! 

As always, I’m rooting for you.